About Us
Who Are We?
We are a dedicated group of high school students and adult, technical and non-technical, mentors dedicated to the team mission: to inspire and develop the next generation of leaders in STEM in our school, community, and region through competition, outreach, and community service.
What's Our Purpose?
We Are a Competition Robotics Team
We aim to inspire our team members and make our schools and community proud by fielding competitive robots that are effective in their design, fabrication, control system, and operation.
To strive towards that aim, we work year-round to:
- Build student technical skills and knowledge.
- Advance the techniques we use in design, fabrication, and programming.
- Communicate regularly with our sponsors about the team's work and successes.
See our Robot Gallery for more information on the history of our competition robots.
Our Long-Term Mission
Our mission is to inspire and develop the next generation of leaders in STEM in our school, community, and region through competition, outreach, and community service.
For more information on our outreach and community service, see our Outreach Program.
Our Impact
- All of our students pursue further education through college or technical schools.
- Most of our alumni pursue STEM majors in college and go into STEM careers.
- Many of our alumni pursue advanced degrees in STEM fields.
- Some of our alumni have been attended the best colleges in the country, including CalTech, MIT, Yale, Georgia Tech, UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, and many others.
How to Get Involved
- Students - No Experience Required!
- Contact the Team - See Contacts
- Stop by the Buildspace During Our Regular Hours
- Drop by to Chat with the Current Faculty Sponsor
- Look for a Student Wearing a Team 1912 T-Shirt and Ask Them
- Check Out the FIRST Website for Background on FIRST and the FIRST Robotics Competition
- Mentors - No Experience Required!
- Event Volunteering - No Experience Required!
- Contact the Team Admins - See Contacts
- Keep an Eye on Our Calendar for Upcoming Events
- Stop by the Buildspace During Our Regular Hours
- Visit the FIRST LA-MS Website for Information
- Visit FIRST for Descriptions of Volunteer Roles
About the Team
Northshore and Salmen High Schools' FIRST Robotics Team 1912 Combustion, located in Slidell, Louisiana, was established in the fall of 2005 by a small group of seniors at Northshore High. Since then, we have expanded into a diverse family of mentoring professionals and enthusiastic students from all grades, and in 2014, we welcomed former FRC Team 4668 from Salmen High into our Combustion family, keeping FIRST burning brightly in our community.
As we implemented the values and goals of FIRST throughout the seasons, every student was able to leave the team enriched with a new appreciation for professional work in science and engineering, valuable technical experience, and vital real-world skills. The overwhelming task of fundraising and promoting FIRST and the team year-round, then designing and building a functioning, effective robot in just 8 weeks, challenges students to communicate, cooperate, and learn as a team. In achieving their goal within this challenging timeframe, team members practice everything from project management to programming and power-drilling, and become dedicated to promoting science and technology.
Our love for teamwork and engineering extends into the off-season with demos, volunteering, workshops, and camps throughout the region. With so many places to go and events to run, students here at Northshore and Salmen discover that building the robot is only the beginning of their FIRST experience.