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Team 1912 in the Community

Girl Scout B.I.G. Event

On the 23rd of September, Team 1912 attended the Girl Scout BIG Event. Throughout the event, there were people circulating around the building as well as inside the buliding. We displayed our FRC robot outside by driving it where those attending had the capability of interacting with it. On the other hand, in the inside, we passed out flyers and displayed our FTC robot, by similarly driving it around where the audience could interact with it. There ware many young ladies attending the event who enjoyed the hands-on experience that we had to offer.

Slidell Pumpkin Fest

Also, on October 7th, Team 1912 held a booth at the Slidell Pumpkin Fest. Surrounding us was food, music, and kids enjoying it of all ages. And plenty of pumpkins as well. Even though it was a hot, sunny day, there were plenty of people dancing within the roads. As a team, we showed our off-season robot,Wallace, by driving around the streets, which sparked the interest of those attending the fair. We also used Jympie to show off our more sophisticated robots on the carpet. During the six hour period, we handed out many flyers. Overall, the day was a success!