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Team Combustion Week 2 Newsletter


Ramping up for the third week from Kickoff

January 20th marks the start of our third week from kickoff! We have completed many of our tasks including field piece construction, award essay submissions, and initial robot design! Our team is working hard to ensure that we have ample drive practice before the Magnolia Regional on March 13th. Every person on the team is assigned to specific tasks according to their lead position. We are more productive than ever!

Progress Report


Our Design/CAD team as officially FINISHED their chassis design, and have started machining in on our CNC. They are almost completely done with the intake and shooter design that we will soon implement.


Our Build/Fabiration team has finished building the (scoring) field pieces, including the speaker and amp. This week they will begin robot fabrication and start building the stage field piece!


Our Controls/Programming team is currently working on vision tracking and autonomous strategy and implementation with one of our test bots called "the pizza box."


Our Media/Communications team is currently collecting documentation for our Impact award, communicating with sponsors and the local community, and is finished with game and team shirt designs.


Our Impact/Outreach team is almost finished with the Impact award submission, inclusing the essay, documentation, and short answers. In addition, they have been preparing for more outreach events including a STEM night at Boyet JHS on 02/27.

Goals for Week Three:

  • Begin drive practice with intake concept
  • Finalize award submissions including Woodie Flowers and Impact
  • Finish building ALL field pieces, and focus fabrication attention to the robot
  • Reach out to more sponsors for the 100 Club initiative ($100 from 100 local companies)
  • Finish updating all electronics to 2024 versions of WPILib and TEST... TEST... TEST...

A Message To Our Supporters

Thank you so much for tuning in! We appreciate everything that out sponsors do to support Team 1912 and our students! All of this woulnd't be possible without you!

Thank you for reading! - Burnie


  • Feb 7: FIRST Saturdays: Soldering
  • Feb 27: Boyet JHS STEM NIGHT
  • Mar 14 - 16: Magnolia Regional
  • Apr 4 - 6: Bayou Regional